updated December 2024
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Heather E. Price
Research Manager, Learning Policy Institute, September 2023 - present.
Associate Director of Research, Loyola University Chicago, Institute for Racial Justice, September 2021 - 2023.
Consultant, International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement (IEA), Hamburg, Germany, January 2016 – present.
Consultant, Teaching and Learning International Survey for the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), March 2012 – present.
Affiliate, Center for Research on Educational Opportunities, University of Notre Dame, August 2011- present.
Research Associate, Loyola University Chicago, Institute for Racial Justice, May 2021 - August 2021.
Dean of Undergraduate Studies (interim), Marian University, August 2020 - April 2021.
Assistant Professor, Marian University, concurrent appointments in Leadership Studies department and Social, Behavioral, and Forensic Sciences department, August 2016 - June 2020. (program deactivated)
Senior Research Analyst, University of Notre Dame, December 2015 – August 2016.
Senior Associate, Basis Policy Research, July 2013-November 2015.
Assistant Director, Center for the Study of Religion and Society, University of Notre Dame, June 2011-June 2013.
Concurrent Faculty, Sociology Department, University of Notre Dame, January 2012-June 2013.
Secondary Education Teacher, Milwaukee Public Schools, 2000-2005.
PhD., Sociology, University of Notre Dame, January 2012
M.A., Sociology, University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee, Commencement Honors, 2007
Graduate Certificate, Non-Profit Management, UW – Milwaukee, 2006
Post-B.A., Secondary Education – Mathematics, Cardinal Stritch University, 2004
B.S., Secondary Education, UW – Milwaukee, Summa Cum Laude, 2000
Secondary Education – Broad Field Social Studies: Sociology, History, Geography
B.A., Ethnic Studies, UW – Milwaukee, Summa Cum Laude, 2000
Honors Degree, Peace Studies certificate, UW – Milwaukee, Summa Cum Laude, 2000
Price, Heather. (2021). Counterfeit Opportunities to Learn: The Fractured College Prep Pipeline. Teachers College Press.
Herzog, Patricia Snell and Heather E. Price. (co- authorship) 2016. American Generosity: Who Gives and Why? Oxford University Press.
Price, Heather and Pablo Fraser. Forthcoming. “What’s Behind Teacher Stress in the United States? An exploratory analysis using TALIS 2018 data,” in Stress and Coping Among Minoritized Teachers, Jendayi Dillard and Kristen Mosley (Eds.), Information Age Publishers.
Price, Heather, Malik Henfield, Eilene Edejer, and Ken Fujimoto. (2024). “Practicing Equity In Research-Practice-Policy-Partnerships: Case of the State of Illinois Board of Education“ in Volume X: Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion in Education: School/Community/ University/Community Research, R. Martin Reardon and Jack Leopard (Eds.), Information Age Publishers.
Veletic, Jelena*, Heather Price, and Rolf Vegar Olsen. 2023. “Teachers’ and Principals’ Perceptions of School Climate: The Role of Principals’ Leadership Style in Organizational Quality.” Educational Assessment, Evaluation, and Accountability.
Price. Heather. 2022. (invited contribution). “Teachers’ Beliefs,” in International Handbook of Comparative Large-Scale Studies in Education, Trude Nielson, Ronny Scherer, et al. (Eds.), Chapter 39, Geneva: Springer International Handbooks of Education.
Price. Heather. 2021. “The College Prep Pipeline: Disparate stages in academic opportunities”. American Educational Research Journal, 58(4): 785-814.
Price. Heather. 2021. “Rural and College Prep: Differences in Schooling for Indigenous American Students”, in Rural School Turnaround and Reform, Coby Meyers (Ed.), Chapter 5, pp. 69-90, New York: Information Age Publishers.
Price, Heather and Christian Smith. 2021. “Process and Reliability for Cultural Model Analysis Using Semi-Structured Interviews”. Field Methods, 33(2): 185-201.
Price, Heather. 2021. (invited contribution). “Principal Leadership Activities and Teachers’ Workplace Attitudes,” in Principal Development, Leadership Practices, and Teacher Outcomes, Peter Youngs, Jihyun Kim, and Madeline Mavrogordato (Eds.), New York: Routledge.
Price, Heather. 2021. (invited contribution). “Communicating with Policymakers,” in Maximizing the Policy-Relevance of Research for School Improvement, Angela Urick, David DeMatthews, and Tim Ford (Eds.), Leadership for School Improvement series, Charlotte: Information Age Publishing (IAP).
Price, Heather. 2019. “Large Scale Datasets and Social Justice: Measuring Disparity In Opportunities To Learn”, in Research Methods for Social Justice and Equity in Education, Kamden K. Strunk and Leslie Ann Locke (Eds.), pp. 203-216, New York: Palgrave-McMillian.
Price, Heather. 2019. “Social Capital Resources In Schools: Explaining Effective School Community”, in Contemporary Perspectives On Social Capital In Educational Contexts, Phillis George (Ed.), pp. 161-180, Charlotte: Information Age Publishing (IAP).
Price, H. and Weatherby, K. (co-authorship). 2018. "The global teaching profession: How treating teachers as knowledge workers improves the esteem of the teaching profession," School Effectiveness and School Improvement, 29(1): 113-149.
Price, Heather. 2016. “Assessing US Public School Quality: The Advantages of Combining Internal ‘Consumer Ratings’ with External NCLB Ratings,” Educational Policy, 30(3): 403-433.
Price, Heather. (2015). “Principals’ social interactions with teachers: How principal-teacher social relations correlate with teachers’ perceptions of student engagement,” Journal of Educational Administration, Special Issue, Heather E. Price and Nienke Moolenaar (Eds.), 53(1): 116-139. *This paper received the 2016 Highly Commended Paper Award from the Emerald Literati Network Awards for Excellence
Price, Heather. (2015). “Assessing US Public School Quality: The Advantages of Combining Internal ‘Consumer Ratings’ with External NCLB Ratings.” Educational Policy.
Price, Heather. (2015). “School Leadership in Urban Schools: How Leadership in the Social Context Shapes Teacher Engagement and School Community,” Section 4: Theory and Research Methodology in The Handbook of Urban Educational Leadership, R.H. Milner and K. Lomotey (Eds.). New York: Rowan & Littlefield.
Price, Heather E. (2014). “My Friends Made Me Do It: How Teens’ Social Identity Influences Educational Outcomes,” Chapter 13 for Interpersonal Relationships in Education: From Theory to Practice, David Zandvliet, Perry den Brok, and Tim Mainhard (Eds.). New York: Springer.
Kelly, Sean and Heather Price. (2014). “Changing Patterns of Engagement in the Transition to High School,” Pp. 15-36, Engaging Youth in Schools: Evidence-Based Models to Guide Future Innovations, NSSE Yearbook, National Society for the Study of Education, Vol. 13, Issue 1, D.J. Shernoff and J. Bempechant (Eds.). New York: Teachers College Record.
Price, Heather. (2013). “Connecting Network Methods to Social Science Research: How To Parsimoniously Use Dyadic Measures as Independent Variables,” Pp. 207-226 in Applying Relational Sociology: Relations, Networks, and Society, François Dépelteau and Christopher Powell (Eds.). New York: Palgrave-McMillian.
Price, Heather. (2013). “Employee Morale and Organizational Climate in Schools: The Importance of Affective Coworker Relationships,” Pp. 207-236 in Networks, Work and Inequality: Research in the Sociology of Work, Steve McDonald (Ed.). New York: Emerald Group Publishing.
Price, Heather. (2013). “School Organization,” in Sociology of Education: An A-Z Guide, James Ainsworth and J. Geoffrey Golson (Eds.). Los Angeles: Sage Publications.
Price, Heather and Jessica Collett. (2012). “The Role of Exchange and Emotion on Commitment: A Study Using Teachers,” Social Science Research, 41(1): 469-1479.
Price, Heather E. (2012). School Networks as Social Resources: The Relationship of School Resources and School Community to School Effectiveness, Ph.D. dissertation, Department of Sociology, University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, IN.
Price, Heather. (2012). “School Principal-Staff Relationship Effects on School Climate," Pp. 103-118 in Interpersonal Relationships in Education, Theo Wubbels, Jan van Tartwijk, Perry den Brok and Jack Levy (Eds.). Rotterdam, Netherlands: Sense Publishers.
Price, Heather. (2011). “Principals’ attitudes and behaviors matter: How principals’ relationships with their teachers affect school climate” Educational Administration Quarterly, 48(10):39-85.
***This paper was rated “most read” in the past two years of any EAQ article in May 2012***
Kelly, Sean and Heather Price. (2011). “The Correlates of Tracking Policy: Opportunity Hoarding, Status Competition, or a Technical-Functional Explanation?” American Educational Research Journal, 48:560-585.
Price, Heather. (2010). “Does No Child Left Behind really capture school quality? Evidence from an urban school district” Educational Policy, 24:779-814.
Kelly, Sean and Heather Price. (2009). “Vocational Education: A Clean Slate for Disengaged Students?” Social Science Research, 38:810-825.
Price, Heather and Kristen Weatherby. The Value of Teaching Across the World: Implications from the Semi-professionalization of Teaching. TALIS 2018 data analysis for 48 countries.
Price, Heather and Julie Fitz. Conditions for Equity in Middle School Mathematics Classrooms.
* student collaborator
Price, Heather, Dion Burns, Stacy Loewe, Patrick Shields, Jonathan Kaplan, and Hyeonjeong Lee. 2024. Long-term English Learners in California, Learning Policy Institute.
Teig, Nani, Jelena Veletic, Wangqiong Ye, Heather Price, and Rhiannon Moore. 2024. Navigating Resilient Schools: Examining Principals’ Characteristics And Leadership Practices In Eleven Countries, Paper commissioned for the 2024/25 Global Education Monitoring Report: Leadership and Education, UNESCO.
Veliu Ashiku, Liridona, Sophia Duque, Anna Huber*, Elani Williams*, Carter Alvardo*, Jonathan Nerenberg*, Malik S. Henfield, and Heather Price. 2023. “Knots of Socio-Spatial Segregation Through Multidimensional Identities and Intersectional Solutions: The Case of Chicago and Beyond”, Institute for Racial Justice, Loyola University Chicago.
Veliu Ashiku, Liridona, Heather Price, Jacob Nelson*, and Carter Alvarado*. 2022. “Reviewing Socio-Spatial Segregation in the United States: History, Policies, and the Way Ahead”, Institute for Racial Justice, Loyola University Chicago.
Veliu Ashiku, Liridona, Heather Price, Carter Alvarado*, and Jacob Nelson*. 2022. “Reviewing Socio-Spatial Segregation: City Profiles”, Institute for Racial Justice, Loyola University Chicago.
Price, Heather and Ralph Carstens. 2020. “TALIS 2018: Analytic Plan”, TALIS, OECD Publishing.
Price, Heather. Forthcoming. “For the Common Good: On Behalf of the ‘Other Kids’”, Dear Secretary DeVos: What We Want You to Know About Education, R. A. Goldstein, L. M. Nicosia, E. Renfro-Michel, and E. Dickerson (Eds.). Leiden, The Netherlands: Brill/Sense Publishers.
Price. Heather. 2020. Book Review. “Moving Up Without Losing Your Way: The Ethical Costs of Upward Mobility,” Teachers College Record, April,, ID Number: 23259.
Carstens, Ralph, John Ainley, and Heather Price. 2018. “Teaching in Focus #24: Changing interests and sustained knowledge in the TALIS 2018 framework”, TALIS, OECD Publishing.
Ainley, John, Ralph Carstens, and Heather Price. 2018. “Changing interests and sustained knowledge in the TALIS 2018 framework,” (blog). Posted, 21 November.
Price, Heather, Leslie Scott, David Stuit, Chris Brandt, and Lauren Shaw. 2015. Measures for Examining Student Mobility, Midwest Regional Education Laboratory (REL).
Price, Heather and Moolenaar, Nienke. (2015). “Editorial Introduction: Principal-Teacher Relationships: Foregrounding the International Importance of Principals’ Social Relationships for School Learning Climates,” Special Issue, Journal of Educational Administration, 53(1): 1-4.
Price, Heather and Leah Hoogstra. (2015). “Summer Learning Academy: 34 Site Reports on Effects on Multiple School Outcomes”, Doug and Maria DeVos Foundation.
OECD. (2014). (contributing author, contributing technical editor) “TALIS 2013 Results: An International Perspective on Teaching and Learning,” TALIS, OECD Publishing.
OECD. (2013). (co-author, analyst) “Fostering Learning Communities Among Teachers” Teaching in Focus, 04, Teaching and Learning International Survey, Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, OECD Publishing , June.
OECD. (2013). (co-author, analyst) “How Can Teacher Feedback be Used to Improve the Classroom Disciplinary Climate?” Teaching in Focus, 03, Teaching and Learning International Survey, Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, OECD Publishing , March.
OECD. (2012). (co-author, analyst) “What Can Be Done To Support New Teachers?” Teaching in Focus, 02, Teaching and Learning International Survey, Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, OECD Publishing , September.
OECD. (2012). (co-author, analyst) “Are Teachers Getting the Recognition They Deserve?” Teaching in Focus, 01, Teaching and Learning International Survey, Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, OECD Publishing , May.
Price, Heather. (2012). “Sociology Graduate Students Build an Outstanding Publication Record,” on the University of Notre Dame Graduate School News webpage, February 14.
Price, Heather. 2010. “School Staff Network and School Climate Survey: Reports for 15 Indianapolis Schools.”
Nicola, Tara P. 2022. “Book Review: The Fractured College Prep Pipeline: Hoarding Opportunities to Learn,” Teachers College Record: The Voice of Scholarship in Education, November.
Wu, Tong. 2021. “Study Snapshot: 21st Century Tracking and De Facto School Segregation: Excluding and Hoarding Access to College Prep,” American Educational Research Association Newsroom, April 12.
Herzog, Patricia Snell. 2019. “Why You should Give Your Money Away Today,” The New York Times, Opinion section, December 3.
Stawar, Terry. 2018. “STAWAR: Generosity, Thy Name is Grandparents,” News and Tribune, Indiana, August 17.
Glennon, Margie Fleming. 2018. “Catch Up on New and Classic Fundraising Books,” The Chronicle of Philanthropy, August 6.
Meyer, Ann. 2018. “Savannah-Chatham school board’s search for ‘academic auditor’ candidate stalls,” Savannah Now, Savannah Morning News section, July 10.
Mari, Will. 2017. “The Only Bright Spot in American Giving,” Christianity Today, Science section, November 30. (
Lieber, Ron. 2016. “United Way Searches for Its Place in a World of One-Click Giving,” New York Times, Money section, December 23. (\html?_r=0)
Franklin, Jason. 2016. “Book Review: American Generosity: Who Gives and Why,” The Foundation Review, 8 (5): 79-81.
Kossler Dutton, Melissa. 2016. “Giving Chains: Holiday Customers Enjoy Paying It Forward,” Republican American, November 26. (
Monitor’s Editorial Board. 2016. “Thanks for the New Givers,” Christian Science Monitor, Commentary section. November 22. (
Associated Press. 2016. “Giving Chains: Holiday Customers Enjoy Paying It Forward,” Odessa American, Lifestyle section, November 19. (
Green, Emma. 2016. “What America Lost as Women Entered the Workforce,” The Atlantic, September 19. (
The Non-Profit Times. 2016. “Planning Based on Patterns of Support”, The Non-Profit Times, March 8, Retrieved March 8, 2016 (
Sandoval, Timothy. 2016. “Using Creativity to Tap ‘American Generosity’.” The Chronicle of Philanthropy, News and Analysis section, March 10. Retrieved March 10, 2016 (
US Department of Education, Mental Health Service Professionals Demonstration (MHSP), Evaluation Methodologist (key personnel) with PI Pam Fenning, co-PI Ashley Mayworm, and co-PI Malik Henfield, “Comprehensive Preparation of School Psychologists to Support the Mental Health of Students that are Culturally and Linguistically Diverse in the Cicero Community”, award #S184X220060, 01/01/2023 – 12/31/2028, $4,466,721.
National Science Foundation, Broadening Participation in Computing, co-PI with Whelton Miller and Malik Henfield, “Community Outreach Opportunities with Research in Data Science”, award # 2216567, 10/01/2022-09/30/2024, $299,984.Teaching and Learning International Survey, Stichting IEA Secretariaat Nederland (IEA), subcontract, $9,103.
Regional Educational Laboratory (REL) Midwest of American Institutes for Research, Senior Personnel with David Stuit (PI) on "Measures for Examining Student Mobility" from July 2013 - December 2014.
John Templeton Foundation grant, co-PI, with Christian Smith (PI) and Kraig Beyerlein (co-PI) on “The Science of Generosity – Phase II” from January 1, 2013 – December 31, 2015, $394,220.
World Educational Research Association – International Research Network, Principal Investigator with Mark Berends (co-PI) and Bill Carbonaro (co-PI) on “Sociology of Education on Educational Inequality” from Spring 2013 – Spring 2016.
Data and personnel access, Kingsbury Center Data Award, Northwest Evaluation Association, competitive, 2010. Unlimited access to personnel and data at NWEA for dissertation research.
Educational Endowment Grant, Principal Investigator, two year grant, Pi Lambda Theta, 2008-09, $2,333. “School Climate Effects on School Success,” International Honor Society and Professional Association in Education, competitive. Support for data collection and analysis of school climate effects on school success. Project Manager overseeing hiring and work of two undergraduate students.
Research grant, competitive, Office of Academic Affairs, Marian University. $1500. support for course coverage for research, 2018.
Graduate conference grant, competitive, Institute for Scholarship in the Liberal Arts, College of Arts and Letters, University of Notre Dame, $1000, support for “The Ethics of Food” conference, 2011. Declined.
Zahm Research Travel Grant, competitive, University of Notre Dame Graduate School,$1,500, Support for dissertation data collection and travel to Indianapolis, 2010.
Joesph F. Downes Memorial Travel Grant, University of Notre Dame Graduate School, competitive. $150. Support for training in the smartPLS structural equation modeling software, 2009.
Summer Graduate Assistantship, competitive, Institute for Scholarship in the Liberal Arts, College of Arts and Letters, University of Notre Dame, $3,600, 2009.
Joesph F. Downes Memorial Travel Grant, University of Notre Dame Graduate School, competitive. $1,000. Support for spatial regression analysis training at ICPSR Summer Institute, 2008.
Graduate Student Summer Research Stipend Grant, Institute for Scholarship in the Liberal Arts, University of Notre Dame, competitive. $3,600, 2008.
Outstanding Reviewer, American Educational Research Association and American Educational Research Journal, 2023.
Graduate Teacher of the Year, Marian University, 2021.
Highly Commended Paper in the 2016 Emerald Literati Network Awards for Excellence, selected by the Editorial Board of the Journal of Educational Administration for “Principals’ social interactions with teachers: How principal-teacher social relations correlate with teachers’ perceptions of student engagement,” 2016.
John J. Kane Memorial Award for Most Outstanding Graduate Student, Sociology Department, University of Notre Dame, 2011-2012.
Featured Early Career Scholar, Sociology of Education newsletter, American Sociological Association, Summer 2011.
Featured Graduate Student, Division G Social Context of Education, American Educational Research Association, February/March 2011.
Superb Commendation. Annual Progress Evaluation, Department of Sociology, University of Notre Dame, 2008, 2009, 2011.
Helen Bader Institute partial scholarship recipient, Lubar School of Business, University of Wisconsin at Milwaukee, 2004 & 2005.
Who’s Who Among America’s Teachers award recipient, 2003 & 2004.
Second Century Scholarship recipient for WI (Future Teachers Award), School of Education, University of Wisconsin at Milwaukee, 1999.
Wingspread Fellow, University of Wisconsin at Milwaukee, 1998.
Price, Heather. (2023). Invited Speaker, “Methods in Multi-Stage Equity in Education”, SIARM Advanced Quantitative Methods, Chicago, April.
Price, Heather. (2023). Invited Panelist, “Invited Speaker Series: International Perspectives on the Potential of TALIS (Teaching and Learning International Survey) for Policy Makers and the Research Community”, American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting, Chicago, April.
Price, Heather. (2022). Invited Panelist, “Critical Conversation: Strategizing Teaching Quantitative Methods for Aspiring Educational Leaders and Researchers”, University Council on Educational Administration Annual Meeting, Seattle, November.
Price, Heather. (2022). Invited Panelist, “Improving Climate Change Education with International Large Scale Assessments”, Climate Week NYC, New York.
Price, Heather. (2022). Invited Panelist, “Diversity and Inclusion as Challenges for Educational Effectiveness and Improvement”, European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI) SIG 18 Conference, Freiburg, Germany.
Price, Heather. (2015). Invited Panelist, “Lessons Learned from the Teaching and Learning International Survey (TALIS 2013)”, American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting, Chicago, April.
Price, Heather. (2013). Invited Panelist, "Analyzing 'Big Data' in Educational Leadership Research: Complex, Multilevel, and Longitudinal Analysis of Large-Scale Datasets," University Council for Educational Administration Annual Meeting, Indianapolis, October.
Price, Heather. (2013). Invited Panelist, "GSC Chair Fireside Chat: Life on the Other Side: Recent Graduates Discuss Their Experiences on the Other Side of the Desk," American Educational Association Meeting Annual Meeting, San Francisco, Spring.
Price, Heather. (2013). Chair, "Collective Units of Analysis: School Districts, Nations, and Social Movements," American Educational Association Meeting Annual Meeting, San Francisco, Spring.
Price, Heather. (2012). Chair, “Policy Issues Related to Teacher Quality: Division L – Educational Policy and Politics: Paper Session,” American Educational Association Meeting Annual Meeting, Vancouver, Spring.
Price, Heather. (2012). Guest lecturer, topic: Fact and Subjective States Survey Data, Survey Methods Graduate Seminar, University of Notre Dame, February 17.
Price, Heather. (2011). Guest lecturer, topic: Charter Schools, Social Science Freshman Seminar, University of Notre Dame, November 3.
Price, Heather. (2011). Session organizer and Chair, “Division L Fireside Chat: Critical Conversations: Explaining Democratic Implications of Mayoral Takeover of School Districts” with guests Drs. Kenneth Wong, Gail Sunderman, Jeffrey Henig, and Joesph Viteritti, American Educational Association Meeting annual meeting, New Orleans, April.
Price, Heather. (2010). Session organizer and co-Chair, “Division L Fireside Chat: Critical Conversations: Exploring the Influx of Market-Based Reform Efforts Within State and Federal Education Policies” with guests Drs. Fredrick Hess, Michael Apple, and Dominic Brewer, American Educational Association Meeting annual meeting, Denver, May.
Price, Heather. (2009). Invited speaker, “Preparing for Area Exams,” Graduate Student Lunch Series, University of Notre Dame, Sociology Department, Fall.
Price, Heather. (2009). Discussant, “Sociology of Education,” Midwest Sociological Society Annual Meeting, Des Moines, Spring.
Price, Heather. (2009). Invited speaker, “Graduate Student Question and Answer Session,” Graduate Student Visiting Weekend, University of Notre Dame, Sociology Department.
Price, Heather. (2008). Invited speaker, “The State of Affairs in Public Education Today,” University of Notre Dame, Migration, Education, and Assimilation: Three Forces that Built America, economics class, Dr. Abigail Wozniak, April.
Price, Heather. (2008). Discussant, “Educational Discourse and Organization,” Midwest Sociological Society Annual Meeting, St. Louis, Spring.
Price, Heather. 2024. “College Prep Participation: A Census of Racial Equity and Disparity Across American High Schools”, American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, April.
Price, Heather and Malik S. Henfield. 2024. “Practicing Equity in Research-Practice-Policy Partnerships: Case of Illinois”, American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, April.
Pizmony-Levy, Oren and Heather Price. 2024. “Advancing Climate Education through the OECD Teaching and Learning International Survey”, Comparative and International Education Society Annual Meeting, March.
Price, Heather, Malik S. Henfield, Eilene Edejer, and Ken Fujimoto. 2023. “Illinois’ Equity Report Card Metrics: Harnessing Multiple Data Systems to Advance Equity in Education", Education Leadership Data Analytics, Annual Conference, Teachers College, New York.
Price, Heather, Malik S. Henfield, Meiko Lin, and Candace Kyles*. 2023. “Transforming Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Ideas Into Actions for Real Change: Advancing DEI Mindset, Self-Efficacy, and Practice”, American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting, Chicago, April.
Henfield, Malik S., Heather Price, Twyla Blackmond Larnell, Meghna Chandra, and Gillian Giles. 2023. “Community-University Partnerships: Leveraging Big Data for Racial Justice and Equity”, American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting, Chicago, April.
Price, Heather. 2023. “Demonstration 4: Evaluating Out-of-School Programming That Centers Youth Voice”, American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting, Chicago, April.
Veletic, Jelena* and Heather E. Price. 2023. “Leadership Style and Quality of School Climate Across the World”, Nordic Educational Research Association Annual Meeting, Oslo, March.
Price, Heather. 2022. “Disparity in AP and IB Participation: Tracking in the 21st Century”, University Council on Educational Administration Annual Meeting, Seattle, November.
Price, Heather, Meiko Lin, Kelly Ferguson, Candace Kyles*, and Malik Henfield. 2022. “DEI 101: Pilot Evidence of an All-Day Intensive DEI Workshop”, Society for Research on Educational Effectiveness Annual Meeting, Arlington, September.
Henfield, Malik, Nia Abdullah, and Heather Price. 2022. “Near-Peer Mentoring and Community Asset Documentation: Impacts from an Applied STEM Summer Program”, Society for Research on Educational Effectiveness Annual Meeting, Arlington, September.
Price, Heather. 2022. “Hoarding Quality Resources: How Privilege Monopolizes High Quality Advanced Placement Courses Despite Efforts to Widen Access For All Students”, European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI) SIG 18 Conference, Freiburg, Germany.
Price, Heather, Meiko Lin, Kelly Ferguson, Candace Kyles*, and Malik Henfield. 2022. “DEI Self-Efficacy Index: Pilot Validation with Educators”, Quantitative Methodology Center Annual Meeting, The Ohio State University, June.
Price, Heather. 2021. “Advanced Placement Coursework: The Rise of the Counterfeit Credential”, American Sociological Association Annual Meeting, virtual, August.
Price, Heather. 2021. “Convergence or distinction? How relational cohesion of principals and teachers works across national education contexts”, Comparative and International Education Society Annual Meeting, virtual, April.
Price, Heather and Kristen Weatherby. 2021. “Teaching as a knowledge working profession: The importance of feeling valued”, Comparative and International Education Society Annual Meeting, virtual, April.
Price, Heather. 2021. “21st Century Tracking and De Facto School Segregation: Excluding and Hoarding Access to College Prep”, American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting, virtual, April.
Price, Heather. 2021. “Principal Leadership Activities and Teachers' Workplace Attitudes”, American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting, virtual, April.
Price, Heather. 2020.“TALIS 2018: Intertheme Analysis With Principal and Teacher Data”, University Council for Educational Administration, virtual, November.
Price, Heather. 2020. “21st Century Tracking: Access to High School Opportunities for Indigenous Students”, American Sociological Association Annual Meeting, virtual, August.
Price, Heather. 2020. “Research-practice partnerships: Building impactful studies together” [Paper Session]. American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting San Francisco, April, (Conference Canceled)
Price, Heather and Kristen Weatherby. 2020. “Teachers' feeling valued: The impact of professional treatment as knowledge workers” [Paper Session]. American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting San Francisco, April, (Conference Canceled)
Price. Heather. 2019.“Fluctuations in teacher commitment: Leaders relational failures, with improvement prospects”, University Council for Educational Administration Annual Meeting, New Orleans, November.
Price, Heather. 2019. “Population datasets and social inequality: Measuring disparity in educational opportunities”, American Sociological Association Annual Meeting, New York, August.
Price, Heather and Kristen Weatherby. 2019. “The value of teachers around the world: Why professional capital matters for the future of education”, Comparative and International Education Society Annual Meeting, San Francisco, April.
Price, Heather. 2018. “Separate and Unequal in the 21st Century High School: Disparate Access to "College Prep" Curriculum”, American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting, Toronto, April.
Price, Heather. 2018. “Large-Scale Data Sets and Social Justice: Measuring Disparity in Opportunities to Learn”, American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting, Toronto, April.
Price, Heather. 2018. “The College Prep Pipeline: A Wider Pipeline with More Shutoff Valves”, American Sociological Association Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, August.
Price, Heather and Christian Smith. 2017. “Process and Reliability for Cultural Model Analysis Using Semi-Structured Interviews”, American Sociological Association Annual Meeting, Montreal, August.
Price, Heather and Kristen Weatherby. 2016. “The Unvalued Teaching Profession: International Evidence of Semiprofessionalization in Society's Value for Teaching,” American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting, Washington, April.
Price, Heather, et al. (2015). “Teacher Self-Efficacy and Job Satisfaction and Their Correlates,” American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting, Chicago, April.
Price, Heather. (2014). "The Roles of Principal-Teacher Relationships in School Community, Teacher, and Student Engagement," American Sociological Association, annual meeting, San Francisco, August.
Price, Heather and Patricia Snell Herzog. (2014). "What Kinds of Americans Give and Why? Approaches to (Financial) Giving," American Sociological Association, annual meeting, San Francisco, August.
Price, Heather. (2014). "The Longitudinal Effects of School-Based Social Identity on Early Adulthood Success," American Educational Research Association Meeting Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, Spring.
Price, Heather. (2013). "Effective Schools: How Social Resources and School Community Shape School Engagement," American Sociological Association, annual meeting, New York, August.
Price, Heather. (2013). "Networks Among Teachers: How Affective Relationships Explain Positive Outcomes for Teachers and the School," American Educational Research Association Meeting Annual Meeting, San Francisco, Spring.
Price, Heather and Christian Smith. (2012). “Religious Importance and Monetary Donations: Discrepancies Between Perceptions of Giving and How Much People Give,” Society for the Scientific Study of Religion annual meeting, Phoenix, November.
Price, Heather. (2012). “Principals’ Interactions With Teachers: How Principals’ Social Characteristics Relate To School Community and Teacher Commitment,” American Sociological Association, annual meeting, Denver, August.
Smith, Christian and Heather Price. (2012). “Religion and Monetary Donations: We All Give Less Than We Think, Some More Than Others,” Association for the Sociology of Religion, annual meeting, Denver, August.
Price, Heather. (2012). “Understanding School Effectiveness and School Community: School Resources and School Community Associations with School Engagement,” American Educational Association Meeting Annual Meeting, Vancouver, Spring.
Price, Heather. (2012). “Understanding School Community and School Resources: Human, Material, and Social Resources Association with School Community,” American Educational Association Meeting Annual Meeting, Vancouver, Spring.
Price, Heather. (2012). “My Friends Made Me Do It: How Teens’ Social Identity Influences Educational Outcomes,” International Conference on Interpersonal Relationships in Education, Vancouver, Spring.
Price, Heather. (2011). “Following In My Parents’ Footsteps: What Matters On The Walk Toward Happiness In Early Adulthood?” 5th Conference on Emerging Adulthood Biannual Meeting, Providence, October.
Price, Heather. (2011). “Networks and School Community: How Social, Human, and Material Resources Influence School Community,” American Sociological Association Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, August.
Price, Heather. (2011). “Principal Effects: Principal Style and Leadership-Type Effects on School Climate,” American Educational Research Association Meeting Annual Meeting, New Orleans, April.
Price, Heather. (2011). “More Than Test Scores: How School Climate Indicators May Improve Accountability Measures,” Sociology of Education Association annual meeting, Monterrey, February.
Price, Heather. (2010). “School Climate Effects on School Success: Do NCLB School Ratings Capture Parent, Staff, and Student Satisfaction With Their Schools?” American Educational Research Association Meeting Annual Meeting, Denver, May.
Kelly, Sean and Heather Price. (2010). “The Correlates of Tracking Policy: Opportunity Hoarding, Status Competition, or a Technical-Functional Explanation?” American Educational Research Association Meeting Annual Meeting, Denver, May.
Price, Heather. (2009). “School Choice as a Social Movement: Does Community Instability Predict Charter School Implementation?” American Sociological Association Annual Meeting, San Francisco, August.
Price, Heather. (2009). “Resegregation Through Charter Schools: How Demographics of the Community Predict Charter School Implementation.” American Educational Research Association Meeting Annual Meeting, San Diego, Spring.
Price, Heather. (2009). “Embedded Discrimination in the NCLB Labels: Evidence From Milwaukee.” American Educational Research Association Meeting Annual Meeting, San Diego, Spring.
Kelly, Sean and Heather Price. (2009). “Vocational Education: A Clean Slate for Disengaged Students?” American Educational Research Association Meeting Annual Meeting, San Diego, Spring.
Price, Heather. (2009). “The Role of Emotion on Commitment: A Study Using Teachers and Principals.” Group Processes Mini-Conference at Midwest Sociological Society Annual Meeting, Des Moines, Spring.
Price, Heather. (2008). “School Segregation in the US in the 21st Century: Does Residential Homogeneity Predict Implementation of School Choice Programs?” Midwest Sociological Society Annual Meeting, St. Louis, Spring.
Montt, Guillermo and Heather Price. (2008). “Does NCLB Hurt Neighborhoods? Comparing Community Variables Before and During NCLB’s Labeling of Schools as ‘Failures’.” Midwest Sociological Society Annual Meeting, St. Louis, Spring.
Price, Heather. (2007). "School Success in Milwaukee Public Schools: Is No Child Left Behind Capturing School Quality?" Colloquium Lecture Series University of Notre Dame, October.
Price, Heather. (2007). “Cultural Capital Indicators on Type of School Child Attends.” Midwest Sociological Society Annual Meeting, Chicago, Spring.
Price, Heather. (2007). “School Level Indicators of School Success in Milwaukee Public Schools.” Midwest Sociological Society Annual Meeting, Chicago, Spring.
Quantitative Research, Doctoral Program, Marian University. Spring 2019, Fall 2017, Fall 2016.
Qualitative Research, Doctoral Program, Marian University. Spring 2018, Spring 2017.
Foundations in Research, online course, Doctoral Program, Marian University. Spring 2017, Fall 2016.
Dissertation Research Seminar, Doctoral Program, Marian University. Fall 2019, Summer 2019 (co-taught), Spring 2019, Summer 2018, Spring 2018, Fall 2017, Spring 2017, Fall 2016.
Introduction to Social Psychology, Concurrent Faculty, Department of Sociology, University of Notre Dame. Spring 2012.
Introduction to Social Problems, Instructor, Department of Sociology, University of Notre Dame. Summer 2011. All evaluation averages exceed the department, college, and school mean averages. Teaching Evaluations available upon request.
Graduate Statistics I, Teaching Assistant, Department of Sociology, University of Notre Dame. Fall 2009. All evaluation averages exceed the department, college, and school mean averages. Teaching evaluations available upon request.
Spatial Regression Analysis, Facilitator, Short Course, University of Notre Dame. Fall 2008.
Sociology 101, Teaching Assistant, University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee. Fall 2005 to Spring 2007. Five 30-student sections taught per semester, totaling 20 classes in two years. Evaluations exceed the department mean averages (the only available comparison group) in three of the four semesters. Teaching evaluations available upon request.
Doctoral Dissertation Exchange Program, 2020-present: OCCAM Marie Curie Training Network, University of Oslo, Directing third paper of Jelena Veletic
PhD completions, chaired:
Tammy Gorski, Fall 2019
Paul Orlich, Summer 2019
Jaime Froh-Tyrell, Spring 2019
Mark Bazata, Summer 2018
Samantha Tonn, Summer 2018
Research Assistant under Dr. Sean Kelly, Center for Research on Educational Opportunity, University of Notre Dame, 2007-present.
Summer Intern under Dr. Nancy McNerney, Assistant to the Vice President, Office of Institutional Effectiveness, College of Lake County, Illinois, 2007.
Editorial Board member, School Effectiveness and School Improvement journal, Daniel Muijs and Roel Bosker (Eds.), Taylor & Francis, 2023-present.
Editorial Board Member, Studies in Educational Evaluation journal, Peter van Petegram (Ed.), Elsevier, 2019 - present.
Reviewer, National Science Foundation, submissions to CISE and EHR divisions, 2023.
Editorial Board Member, Social Sciences & Humanities Open journal, Abigail Hilson, Nasser Mansour, and Petra Moog (Eds.), Elsevier, 2019 - 2022.
Reviewer, University Council for Educational Administration, 2019 conference submissions.
Special Issue Guest Editor, with Nienke Moolenaar, Journal of Educational Administration, 2014.
Regular Reviewer, conference submissions. American Educational Research Association, 2010 - present.
Regular Reviewer, conference submissions. American Sociological Association, 2010 - present.
Regular Reviewer: American Educational Research Journal, American Sociological Review, Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis, Educational Policy, European Journal of Education, Journal of Educational Administration, Journal of School Leadership, School Leadership and Management, Social Science Research, Sociology of Education, Urban Education.
Occasional Reviewer: American Behavioral Scientist, British Journal of Education, Society & Behavioural Science, Education and Urban Society, Educational Administration Quarterly, Educational Researcher, International Journal in the Studies in Educational Evaluation, Journal of Human Resource Management, Mobilization, Oxford Bibliographies, Sex Roles, Studies in Educational Evaluation, Teachers College Press (book manuscripts), The Elementary School Journal.
Reviewer, Sociology of Education Association, 2010 conference submissions.
Research-to-Policy Collaboration Scholar. Rapid Response Network, recognition in Sociology, 2022 - present.
Chair (elected, two terms), School Effectiveness and School Improvement SIG, AERA, 2018 & 2019.
Committee member, School Community, Culture, and Climate SIG, committee on creating a compendium of school climate informed measurement tools and systems, AERA 2017 - present.
Reviewer, Dissertation Award, School Community, Culture, and Climate SIG, AERA, 2018.
Program Chair (elected), School Effectiveness and School Improvement SIG, AERA, 2017-2018.
Faculty committees, Marian University (current):
Higher Education Diversity Initiative Team (HEDIT), faculty representative, 2018-present.
Student Learning faculty senate standing committee, Dean appointment, member, 2016-present.
Social Justice faculty senate standing committee, member, 2016-present.
ALANA student retention and recruitment task force, member, 2017-present.
DACA student scholarship development task force, member, 2017-present.
Meaningful Social Engagement subcommittee of General education competency curriculum, member, 2016-present.
Faculty committees, Marian University (former):
Social Justice major design, committee member, 2018-2019.
Data Analytics program design, Dean appointment, co-chair, 2018-2019.
Doctoral program redesign, Dean appointment, member, 2017-2019.
Math faculty search committee, member, 2017-2019.
Online Doctoral Program ad-hoc committee, member, 2016-2017.
Associate Dean of Education faculty search committee, member, 2017.
Graduate student representative, 2009-2011, AERA Division L.
Conference sessions planning, newsletter writer
Facilitator of Facebook, Twitter, Wikispace accounts: AERA Division L graduate student
Graduate student committees, University of Notre Dame:
Education Learning Community, member, 2010-2012.
LGBT graduate school, 2010-2012
Facilitator of Facebook, Twitter, Wikispace accounts: AERA Division L campus liaison
Sociology Faculty meeting, graduate student representative, 2010-2011.
Graduate Student Council, graduate representative, 2008-2009.
Evaluation and survey design, 2009, Graduate Assistant Survey, Department of Sociology, University of Notre Dame.
Social Science Statistics and Methods Wikispace administrator, University of Notre Dame.
Graduate Student Mentor, Department of Sociology, University of Notre Dame, 2008-2009.
Planning Committee, Dignity in Schools Campaign, Northwestern University, 2007-2008.
Expert witness training, Metric Geometry and Gerrymandering Group, Spring 2018.
SmartPLS, online training, January 2010.
ArcGIS, short course, winter 2009.
Spatial regression analysis, summer 2008 ICPSR training.
Qualitative Comparative Analysis / Fuzzy Set training.
Data analyst skills in Stata, SPSS, Amos, M-Plus, R, HLM, MAXQDA, and Access software.
American Association for Public Opinion Research, data analyst, 2006.
National Center for Educational Statistics, Certified NHES data analyst, Fully funded via US DoE, 2006.
American Sociological Association
American Educational Research Association
Phi Kappa Phi
Phi Lambda Theta
Sociology of Education Association
University Council for Educational Administration
Milwaukee Education Center, Milwaukee Public Schools district, 2004 – 2005
Lead Teacher, after school tutoring, 2004 – 2005
Silver Spring Neighborhood Center Academy, Milwaukee Public Schools, 2000 - 2004
Milwaukee High School of the Arts, Student Teaching: World Geography, World History, 2000
John Muir Middle School, Student Teaching: 7th grade U.S. History, 1999
Hartford Elementary School, Student Teaching: 6th grade self-contained classroom, 1999
Bryant Elementary, 4th – 6th grade self-contained Severe Cognitive Disability classroom, 1996
6-12 MATHEMATICS (WI cert. #400)
6-12 BROAD FIELD SOCIAL STUDIES (WI cert. #701, 715, 725, 745)
Major: Sociology Minors: History, Geography
Secondary Life Skills Education, Level I trainee, 2005
Wisconsin Public Education Network (WPEN), member since 2016
Wisconsin Leadership Development (WiLD), member since 2016
Voces de la Frontera, member since 2016
Purple Porch Food Cooperative Board Member , 2014
Purple Porch Food Cooperative Committee Member, 2013-2014
Center for the Homeless, tutoring, 2010-2011
Fair Wisconsin, data entry, 2006
Youth Voters Project, lead teacher, 2004
UWM Burma Refugee Relief Coalition, member and auction volunteer, 2004